Posts by Anne McGarvey

Standing With the National Arboretum

Friends of the National Arboretum stands with, and stands for, the U.S. National Arboretum. We are committed to supporting the National Arboretum and to being the best private partner possible for…
flowering mume in bloom, formatted as newsletter banner

Magnolias & Museum Makeover

FONA has graciously supported an important infrastructure project at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum. The front entrance garden of the Museum is getting a complete makeover. In partnership with the Director of…
late winter snowdrop flowers, formatted as a newsletter banner

Preparing for Spring

Wondering when to start preparing your garden for the spring? Not sure how to do it? Learn how to jumpstart your school garden for spring growing from Farmer Emilia. Need more…
garden bed in winter covered in snow

Sendoff for Susan

Susan Chapin, Director of Community Events, retired at the end of 2024 after nine years of working at FONA. When Susan joined the team in 2016, she oversaw FONA’s operations…
snowdrops in winter, formatted as a newsletter banner

Program Update: Winter Cohort Celebration

Program Update: Winter Cohort Celebration We’re at the halfway point for our ‘24-’25 Educator Coaching Program Cohort!  We celebrated the fall season with our school teams right before winter break.…

Preparing for Spring

Emilia’s Garden Tips: Preparing for Spring It’s time to prepare your growing spaces for spring. “Already,” you ask?! It may seem early, but this time of year is the best…

For the Love of Native Plants

Registration is now open for the 38th annual Lahr Native Plant Symposium! Join the National Arboretum on Saturday, March 29th for a day of engaging presentations about native plants, pollinators,…
witch hazel in bloom formatted as a newsletter banner

Illuminating the ‘Ilex’

Illuminating the ‘Ilex’By Bridget DeSimonePublished January 22, 2025The U.S. National Arboretum’s Holly Collection is a nationally and internationally recognized research and display holly collection. Designated a National Holly Arboretum by…
Holly variety Ilex "Nellie R. Stevens"

Illuminating the ‘Ilex’

Looking for a bright spot in the winter landscape? The National Arboretum’s Holly Collection dazzles. With about 1,400 individual living plants in the gardens, and over 10,000 preserved specimens in…
variegated holly leaves, formatted as a newsletter banner

Arboretum Additions

The National Arboretum has recently welcomed several new members to their team. At FONA, we are excited to see the Arboretum’s team grow, and look forward to working with our…
wintersweet in bloom, formatted as a newsletter banner