FFN 2023

Fighting Pests Through Genetics

The National Arboretum recently released two new hemlock hybrids into the American nursery industry. Tsuga ‘Traveler’ and Tsuga ‘Crossroad’ are both resistant to the hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA), a small sap-sucking insect that has decimated hemlock trees…
FONA Field Notes banner of flowers in the Asian Collections

Bonsai Activities

Thank you to everyone who attended our Garden Fair & Plant Sale last Saturday! We had a wonderful day celebrating plants and sharing the National Arboretum with over 4,700 people…
FONA Field Notes banner of irises in the meadow

Garden Fair & Plant Sale this Saturday!

FONA’s annual Garden Fair & Plant Sale is this Saturday, April 29th from 9 AM to 4 PM. Here are important details for Saturday’s event (keep scrolling for plant lists, vendors,…
FONA Field Notes banner of Garden Fair and Plant Sale attendees

Azaleas Have Arrived

Plant lists are here for next weekend’s Garden Fair & Plant Sale! Check out the list of plants our team of garden experts have ordered for this event, taking place…
FONA Field Notes banner of an Azalea Collections pathway

Peak Blooms Abound

We’re gearing up for our annual Garden Fair & Plant Sale on Saturday, April 29th! This event will have thousands of plants for sale (plant lists coming soon), dozens of local…
FONA Field Notes banner of lilac flowers

Eaglets Spotted

FONA recently received a generous estate gift from the late Ms. Frances M. Duttkin. Frances Duttkin was born in January 1926 in New Lyme, Ohio to Russian immigrant parents, Anton…
FONA Field Notes banner of redbud flowers

Frogs & Forest Bathing Under the Full Moon

FONA is hosting two Full Moon Events during the evening of Thursday, April 6th. Join us for one of the following events: FrogWatch Thursday, April 6 | 7:30 PM –…
FONA Field Notes banner of cherry blossoms

Spring Traffic Plan & Native Plants

The National Arboretum is implementing a temporary traffic plan that impacts traffic flow and parking throughout the grounds. This plan is meant to keep the grounds safe for drivers, pedestrians, and all visitors…
FONA Field Notes banner of flowering cherry tree and visitors in front of the Capitol Columns

Guide to Volunteering with FONA

There are many ways to volunteer with FONA throughout the year and support our work at the National Arboretum. There’s something for everyone, from gardening, to event support, to environmental…
FONA Field Notes banner of daffodils

Spring Blooms are Here!

The National Arboretum’s cherry blossoms and magnolia flowers are putting on a beautiful spring show across the grounds. The Arboretum is home to a high diversity of flowering cherry trees…
FONA Field Notes banner of deciduous magnolias in front of the Capitol Columns