
Illuminating the ‘Ilex’

Illuminating the ‘Ilex’By Bridget DeSimonePublished January 22, 2025The U.S. National Arboretum’s Holly Collection is a nationally and internationally recognized research and display holly collection. Designated a National Holly Arboretum by…
Holly variety Ilex "Nellie R. Stevens"

How a Blooming Career Took Root: Dr. Margaret Pooler

How a Blooming Career Took Root: Dr. Margaret PoolerBy Bridget DeSimonePublished December 11, 2024Dr. Margaret Pooler, who serves as Research Leader of the U.S. National Arboretum’s Floral and Nursery Plants…
Dr. Margaret Pooler surrounded by cherry blossoms. Photo by Alan Whittemore, courtesy of the U.S. National Arboretum

Enduring Legacy of CCC Co. 1360

Julia da Silva, Interpretive Specialist at the U.S. National Arboretum, recounts her journey to uncover and understand the history of Civilian Conservation Corps Co. 1360 at the Arboretum.
Digging In banner photo, virtual lecture with Julia da Silva

Unsung Heroes of Summer

Unsung Heroes of SummerBy Bridget DeSimonePublished July 31, 2024Daylilies signal the arrival of summer. Each day is greeted by a multitude of new blooms sturdy enough to withstand scorching heat.…
'Nasty Woman' daylily cultivar

An Arboreal Amble

Dr. Richard T. Olsen, Director of the National Arboretum, takes participants on a curated walk among some of the magnificent trees of the world. This presentation is a virtual tour…
Digging In banner photo, virtual lecture with Dr. Richard Olsen

Herb Garden Goodies

Chrissy Moore, curator of the National Herb Garden, and Erin Holden, gardener in the Herb Garden, share their favorite plants that grow in the National Herb Garden and their fascinating…
thumbnail from a presentation by chrissy moore and erin holden, who work in the national herb garden